President Uchtdorf got it right. Time is vital for families! Today we were lucky to have SO much time together! Grandpa Smith came to visit us, and Kurt and Brian were both off from work! We had a family meeting, a nice lunch (thanks for grilling, Bri!), and then played around all afternoon! When the bigger kids got home from school we all had little family dates- Sean and Brian went to get Father/Son haircuts, and the Lyles went to the park! It was such a good time! We all met and had dinner together, followed by roasting marshmallows by the grill! SO FUN! We then had Family Home Evening (FHE), and it was SO awesome to have Brian and Sean join us!!! After the FHE lesson was over (it was Chapter 2 of our Gospel Principals book), Brian played games with the kids! SO FUN!!!
One of his favorite places to sleep =)
While grilling, we realized there is a wasp nest in the wooden pillar in our backyard! AHHH! Kurt decides to smoke them out, and hit them with a plastic bat... nope, he didn't get stung... but he did manage to kill 5!

Kids at the park.
My first time grilling! YEAHHHH!!!!
Carter says he is playing "fireman baseball!"
Sean and Brian show us their new haircuts- lookin' sharp!
... So... being that it was my first time grilling... I may have burned a few things... what this picture captures is Kurt attempting to get at any edible portion of food... what it does not capture is the crunching sound that the meat made as the scissors were cutting it. oops...
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