
Sunday, October 31, 2010


Happy Halloween! It sure was a busy day for us! We woke up and started the day at Church- perfect way to start the week! After Church we got everything ready for trick-or-treating! I made a special dinner for our family- I wanted the kids to have good food in their tummies before they go nuts on sugar! Kurt had to work this morning, which made us sad that he had to miss Church, but made us happy he got to spend Halloween night with us! HOW FUN! After the trick-or-treating was over some friends came over to play! The kids all had fun building trains and pretending to trick-or-treat here in the house, and the adults enjoyed pumpkin pie and cocoa, mmmmm!

Kurt hollows out one of the pumpkins- this one will be filled with dinner!

Halloween Dinner: Dinner-in-a-pumpkin!

Kurt shows Carter what is inside the pumpkin! DINNER!

Carter waits to go trick or treating! Carter designed the sad pumpkin, lol

Harrison and Carter go trick-or-treating!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the boys had a great time! I love that you make everything so special for them!
