Today was a great day! The day started at the gym- Mom took a weightlifting class followed by a yogalates class while the kiddos played in the child care center. Daddy, of course, was at work. After we got home, showered, and fed- we went grocery shopping. We were so happy that today was the Whole Foods Cherry Day! Organic cherries of all kinds were on sale for $2.99 per pound! Great deal!
After we took our groceries home and put everything away, we decided to go to the driving range. So much fun! Carter, Harrison, and I hit 2 1/2 large buckets of balls! Carter did such a great job- he had people stopping to compliment him! Comments like, "Woah! How old is he? What a good swing!" were all around. He was happy, and very proud! Great day!
What a fun driving range!