Years ago our Church came out with Pass Along Cards. These wonderful little cards fit in pockets or purses, and are meant to be shared. Kurt and I are the only ones in either of our families that are members of our faith. So often we want to share our beliefs, but we were never sure of how to do it- especially when most of our family members live so far away. Last Christmas, we took a big step (for us) and we included some beautiful Pass Along Cards in our Christmas cards. It was our first step in sharing.
Last General Conference we heard a wonderful talk from President Uchtdorf, where he told listeners, "With so many social media resources and a multitude of more or less useful gadgets at our disposal, sharing the good news of the gospel is easier and the effects more far-reaching than ever before... My dear young friends, perhaps the Lord’s encouragement to “open [your] mouths” might today include “use your hands” to blog and text message the gospel to all the world! But please remember, all at the right time and at the right place. Brothers and sisters, with the blessings of modern technology, we can express gratitude and joy about God’s great plan for His children in a way that can be heard not only around our workplace but around the world. Sometimes a single phrase of testimony can set events in motion that affect someone’s life for eternity." (Waiting on the Road to Damascus, LDS General Conference April 2011)
Since President Uchtdorf's talk I have looked for ways to share my faith, at the appropriate time and place. I have found that my blog is a wonderful way to share my faith, especially as it will likely be shared with my grandchildren some day! I have used Facebook as a way to share faith as well, sending encouraging LDS messages or videos to friends that need uplifting, or quoting scriptures or leaders.
All of these are nice, I know, but the most important thing I can do is prepare my sons for their missions. By encouraging them in their hopes and plans for missions, I am really able to apply this scripture to my life. The best missionaries are the most faithful young men, and as I continue to grow spiritually, so will they.
I am so thankful for missionary work. My husband and I love our Church, and adore our leaders. We are thankful for the sacrifice that all missionaries make, and the little seeds of faith that they plant everywhere they go. We are so excited for the day that we will welcome home our sons from serving their own honorable missions, and celebrate their dedicated service!
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