
Monday, January 19, 2015

Taste the rainbow!

I love science. LOVE IT! I generally get my curriculum formed around the same time that I buy all my materials for the year- thus insuring I will have everything I need for the year to come. I do my homeschool shopping around the time we get our tax return (great investment!) but this year I realized we are pretty much out of materials and new subjects to cover! What should I do?

Drum roll!!! 

I found this awesome Starting Point Science book in my bookcase. I have so many science materials- this sweet little book was missed! I am SO happy I found it because it covers a lot of really great and important simple topics (allowing me to go more in-depth if I choose- but still covering the basics! Great for reviewing past things as well!) and even has some really simple experiments that we can do with objects laying around the house (today we demonstrated how rainbows are formed using a glass of water, some sunshine, and a piece of white paper).

The boys and I read the Rainbows section of the Starting Point Science book (this particular book is a collection of other science books), and then we watched this video of Bill Nye discussing colors and light. We then watched this really adorable video all about Roy G. Biv. I used the whiteboard to write out ROYGBIV and we discussed the spectrum. The boys then colored some rainbows.

We were about to break for snack time when the boys requested we make ROYGBIV rainbow juice. We looked around the kitchen and pantry and gathered fruits representing the various colors. It was really fun to watch them discuss what fruits or veggies should represent each color! "No, let's not do a banana for yellow. Let's use a lemon!" "How about a Cutie orange instead of a navel orange?"

We juiced their creation and they were thrilled to report it was the best juice they have EVER had! Haha, little hams!

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