
Monday, February 4, 2013


Busy, busy!

Isn't she adorable??? She had her well-check on Friday. She looks great! Her records have been transferred to my favorite pediatrician already! I didn't get a chance to take a picture of the boys because they were already out in the snow!

The other night, Fina didn't sleep. Seriously, like... the whole night. No sleep. This was her in the morning. Isn't she a little munchkin?! So cute, and so happy! (She napped pretty well that day!)

We went to Church, and then we went to a Superbowl party! It was Seraphina's first time in an Exersaucer! She loved it! We had such a great time! I didn't get a chance to snap a picture of the boys because they ran away and played with the other kids the whole time!

I had an exam due today... it was loads of fun. Really though, not too bad. Glad to be done with it! Just a few more and this wave of midterms will be over! YAY!

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