
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Let the paint fly!

Harrison really enjoys doing art, so often when Carter is doing an art project for school I will ask Harrison to join us. The boys treasure their creative time, and enjoy making artwork that we proudly display for all to see.

Kurt has this "thing" for keeping egg cartons. I have no idea why he does it, none at all. He didn't do it before we homeschooled, but for whatever reason he is obsessed with keeping them now! Because of this, I have a basket full of egg cartons! Knowing that Kurt wanted me to use them creatively, I googled "egg carton art" and found hundreds of ideas! Our first activity was egg carton caterpillars! An egg carton, cut in half, and painted! All we needed was an egg carton (check, thanks Kurt!), a few pipe cleaners (got em!), and googly eyes (have those too!!!). Add some paint- and voila! Art!!!

 *Carter is Indiana Jones today. This art project was not a part of the k12 art curriculum, we decided to do this in addition to Carter's art lessons (current lessons, are "moods of lines")

1 comment:

  1. How fun! It's so great when kids enjoy being creative.
