Grocery shopping is a pretty big event around here. Well, not really... it is generally just the little boys and myself. And we menu plan. And our nutrition follows the paleo lifestyle... add these things together, and the boys often feel like they need to spice up our trips- they need adventure! Today they decided to dress themselves, and they both insisted that they wanted to grocery shop in their chosen outfits. The picture above, is what they decided to wear. Fine with me... off we went.
Kurt doesn't love when the kids dress up. I really don't mind it (as long as we aren't going anywhere that would suggest a need for regular clothing! No Buzz Lightyears at Church!!!). So, when the kids and I are flying our adventures solo, they dress the way they want. The way I see it, they only have a few more years where they can get away with it- so have fun while it lasts!!!!
OH! I almost forgot to mention. Carter is NOT Woody in this picture, no- he is Indiana Jones. He has never seen the movies, but he enjoys playing the LEGO Indiana Jones game on our Wii, lol!
sounds like a lot of fun!!! :)