Harrison went with Jaime cheerfully- he happily waved goodbye! (I think he has a crush on her daughter!) Carter went to school with NO issues- he just walked right into the classroom! YAY! This afternoon Jaime's daughter came to our house to play, so Jaime could volunteer at school- Harrison loved the company =)
Today was special for Carter. Carter has a special gift from Kayla, and he cuddles it every single night. Carter made some valentine crafts, he has been begging to send so many to Kayla, I am not sure of how we will send them! Carter also squeezed in some time to make a special valentine for Kurt- I am putting a picture of it up for Kurt to see =)
All in all it was a great day- looking forward to many more =)
OH! I almost forgot to mention, Carter is losing his first tooth! HOORAY! He is so excited! We can see the new tooth popping up behind it! YAY!
(I will not mention that the first day Kurt is gone that half of the fence blew over with our strong winds, and that one of the toilets overflew at least 6 bucket-fulls of toilet water and flooded the bathroom... /sigh)
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