Starting a blog is difficult. Well, it was for me anyway. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know who to write to. I didn't know how to set it up. I didn't know the purpose.
When I finally realized WHY I wanted to set up a blog (to record memories of my children) I was able to hone in on a name... and eventually it just came to me =)
Our lives are adventures! We have adventures just about every day! Our grown-up adventures don't quite compare to the imaginative ones of our sons though- but being around them makes everything better! Everything is more exciting to children, and they appreciate the small things.
When Carter was born I felt like I already knew him. I was reminded of the story, The Little Prince. My mother still calls Carter, "the little prince." I don't think his messy hair helped get rid of the nickname =p When Carter was a baby, I would read him The Little Prince in both English and French. His unique way of looking outside the box, and his fascination with the world around him still remind me of the book!
When Harrison was born, he was so different! Harrison was so energetic, outgoing, and vivacious! Harrison's enthusiasm for life and his passion for adventures reminded me of the Calvin and Hobbes character Spaceman Spiff. Although Harrison's favorite character in the whole world is Buzz Lightyear (oh, excuse me, Harrison just corrected me... Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger) I still think that Harrison and Spaceman Spiff have a lot in common.
I adore my children, they are so amazing! Their personalities are so unique and wonderful! Each of them have something special that they bring to our family, and I am thrilled to be their mother =) And that is why the blog is called, Our Many Adventures with a Prince and a Spaceman!
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