Carter has been working REALLY hard to earn his Toy Story 3 Lego Train. Yesterday was the day we went to the store and brought it home!!!! He was SO excited!!! It took Mom 4 hours to put the train together, but it was worth it! The boys had a great time playing today- SO NICE!
I love being home. It is so hard... really, the hardest thing I have ever done. I had forgotten the physical and mental exertion that being a homemaker requires, but I know it is all worth it!
I don't get paychecks, but I get to kiss my little boys' faces a hundred times a day.
I don't get praise from superiors, but I get random "fank-you!"s from my little men.
I don't get lunch breaks, spa trips, or African vacations... but I get SO MUCH MORE with every single conversation I have with my children.
I am so happy to be with them. I knew they were great kids, but I had no idea just HOW great they were!
I have so many dreams for them... but my dreams are not about what professions they will choose, what kinds of homes they will own, or anything of that sort. My dream for them is that they always know how much I love them. I want them to be happy. I want them to know Kurt and I love them unconditionally. I want them to know that our Heavenly Father knows them, loves them, and wants nothing more than for them to return home to him. I want them to know that they are such wonderful blessings and I am honored to be their mother.
I love you!
Two boys
one... two
Two boys
You and You
Two boys
buckets of fun
Two boys for everyone!
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