WOW! Who knew life could change SO much SO fast? Please allow me to create a timeline...
Summer passed too quickly! Kurt worked full time and I finished 12 pre-med credits at the U (part of which were done by going to Uganda, Africa!), so we didn't get a lot of family time. We were thankful at the end of the summer when our family friend, Cameron Peery, came to visit us for a week- his visit FORCED us to slow down! It was funny, because when life slowed we really realized how much we were missing...
Cameron and Harrison at Lagoon in Farmington, Utah. Summer 2010
Saturday August 21st we prayed together and we knew that taking fall semester off was the right thing for our family.
Monday August 23rd I dropped all my classes, emailed everyone necessary, and started to enjoy time with Kurt- it was our 4 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! (of our Temple Sealing =) )
Wednesday August 25th Kurt was told of some openings in the Reno area for Walgreens Managers, and decided to call.
Thursday August 26th Kurt was interviewed.
Friday August 27th more calls were made- this time by the District Leader in Reno- to all of Kurt's references.
Saturday August 28th Kurt was offered a position!
WOW! Talk about FAST WORK!
We still dont know our exact moving date. The Reno district wants him fast and the SLC district doesnt want to let him go... so, we are stuck in limbo for the time being. But while we are waiting we decided to pack up the unnecessary items in the house! The boys are so excited! Carter and Harrison woke us at 7:30 Sunday and proudly showed us the boxes they "packed" in their room! Pretty much their entire toy box had been emptied into boxes and the boys were thrilled! We patted them on the back, told them good job, and explained we cant leave just yet!
When we move to Reno, we will be moving in with my brother, Brian, and his little boy, Sean. Our kids are THRILLED! We are so excited! Carter and Harrison have both been chanting "We are going to Sean's house!" for days!
The boys have been trying to keep busy. Today has been my first official day as a homemaker, and with a little help from my little men, it has been pretty good =) Carter and Harrison have been helping by cleaning their room and doing laundry!